Motherhood: Willow at 8 Months

Willow is now 8 months, she is SO much fun and really is turning into a proper little person.  As much as I miss her newborn days and would live them all over again, I’m so excited to be experiencing every day with her and watching her grow.
Willow hasn’t been weighed since before Christmas, but she is perfectly healthy and has the cutest little rolls on her legs and wrists and THE chubbiest little cheeks.
Routine & Sleeping:
Just after Christmas we transitioned Willow into her own room, she settled in perfectly, so I feel it was just the right time.  Shortly afterwards at the beginning of January, we were hit by the 8 month sleep regression… I felt like I had a newborn again!!! This has gradually settled down (although we do have lots of 4am wake ups at the moment), but it has meant that our daily routine has changed slightly. Willow no longer needs 3 naps a day, but the transition to 2 naps a day, isn’t fairing that easy…. some days she needs 3, some days she is fine with 2 and some days she’ll only have 1!!! So we’re still finding our feet.
Weaning is going well, Willow isn’t the biggest eater and isn’t overly fussed about eating/drinking.  She does seem to prefer finger foods, so we have been doing lots of these… she particularly loves toast and crumpets. She eats everything and now has a wide and varied diet, full of flavour and different foods. She has 3 meals a day and is starting to transition from 4 bottles a day to 3 bottles a day.
She is fitting comfortable in 6-9 months, but I’ve started to introduce more 9-12 clothes; purely for more outfit choices, as a lot of her 6-9 clothing was Christmas themed. I also picked up lots of new clothes in the SALES which I couldn’t wait to put her into.
I said this last month, but I really feel like she is changing LOTS each month now.  She is sitting comfortably on her own and doesn’t really need us their ‘just in case’ anymore; she also loves to stand and is starting to be more confident in supporting herself whilst holding on to things.  We still don’t have a crawler, but I’m starting to think that she won’t at all, many babies around her age are crawling or on all-fours and rocking, which Willow isn’t.  However, she is already mobile… she rolls EVERYWHERE and can push herself forward on her stomach, she has no worries about getting to somewhere or something in a room. The only thing she hasn’t discovered yet is how to go into a different room (sort of a blessing!), and she is starting to be able to get into a sitting position from rolling on her side. So watch this space, we may just be skipping crawling!
This month, she said “Mama!” and it was the BEST. She chats away lots and is always singing, growling and generally making noise!  She’s also learnt to clap and wave, which she does now ALL the time, you’ll hear her clapping to herself in the cot when she wakes up in the morning.
Willow celebrated her first Christmas, which was magical, she was very overwhelmed and spent a lot of the day sleeping and we were opening toys for days afterwards! The moments she was awake, she loved and it was so lovely to start new traditions as a family.
In January, Willow went to Soft Play for the first time which she loved! Especially the ball pool! She also got to experience snow for the first time, although we didn’t get much.
Willow is into everything and anything, especially if it is NOT a toy. I’m constantly having to move things around the house that she shouldn’t be playing with, but were in her reach!
She’s had lots of new toys to play with from Christmas but she loves cups and anything that rattles like a maraca. She has also still been loving her jumperoo but also now gets to play with her walker and rocking horse.
Mr Fox, has a firm place in her heart and he comes everywhere with us.
 She adores animals and is constantly grabbing the cat or shouting/waving at him. When we visit people who have pets, she is SO excited by them.
She also enjoys playing with other children and gets especially excited to see her cousin Elodie.

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